What Is Zeitgeism In Lord Of The Flies

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Zeitgeist literature capture the essence of a specific time period. Zeitgeist books tell readers what the time period is like when the book was written. The Lord of the Flies, a novel by William Golding, tells us about a group of civilized boys who crash onto a deserted island with no adults. Without a form of government, these boys eventually turn into savages and destroy the island. Golding's zeitgeist in The Lord of the Flies, suggests that nobody is truly innocent, civilization can be easily deteriorated, and anyone, including children, can cause destruction.
First, Golding’s view of the world depicts that innocence can be easily corrupted. In The Lord of the Flies, Jack and his hunters become blood thirsty when they begin to obsess over …show more content…

As the book continues, Golding shows the deterioration of civilization through the boys. The boys get rid of their clothes when they are on the island. Clothing, a symbol of civilization, falls during the time the boys are on the island. At first, the boys need to wear their clothing in order to avoid getting sunburned. However, as they remain on the island longer, they soon go around with a bare minimum of clothing and some not even wearing clothes. The conch is another symbol of civilization and order. Ralph and Piggy discover the conch shell on the beach at the start of the novel and use it to gather the other boys on the island. It was used in meetings in order to allow each other to talk and everyone respected the conch. As civilization continues to deteriorate on the island, the conch shell loses its power and influence. Later, the other boys ignore Ralph and throw stones at him when he attempts to blow the conch in Jack’s camp. “The conch exploded into thousands white fragments and ceased to exist” (Golding 181). The large rock that Roger throws onto Piggy destroys the conch and also signifies the end of civilization on the island. “The innocence of the child and of man is a fallacy: by nature man has a terrible potentiality for evil” (Michel-Michot). Michot emphasizes the fact that civilization is easily deteriorated. Without a form of government, the boys destroy the island and burn the whole island …show more content…

Golding shows that during the post atomic war period, everyone, including children, were considered evil. “The rock struck Piggy, a glancing blow from chin to tree …” (Golding 181). The death of both Simon and Piggy show that all children are capable of evil. Simon symbolizes purity and Piggy symbolizes civilization, intelligence, and order. During Simon’s death they are chanting and showing their savage nature. They are so savage that they see Simon as the beast. Ironically, Simon understands how the beast is actually the boys themselves. The beast that scares all the boys are themselves because they are the ones doing the savage acts and killing each other. “The sticks fell and the mouth of the new circle crunched and screamed” (Golding 152). They beat him down on the ground then bite, beat, and claw at him. His death shows how savage the boys. “At first it is fun, a boy-scout adventure. But gradually more sinister events in their nature take control.” (Michel-Michot). Michot is telling us the plot of the novel and is describing the second death is Piggy. At this point of the book, the boys have turned to full savagery. With no boundaries and regulations, Roger pushes the rock onto Piggy and kills him. The death symbolizes the complete breakdown of civilization and the savagery of man. Golding’s zeitgeist shows how during the post atomic period, people were believed to be corrupted and

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