What Is The Word Discipline Essay

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In my mind the word discipline can mean so many different things. It’s actually quite hard for me to explain exactly what it means. If I were to look the word up in Webster’s dictionary it might say that discipline “is control that is gained by requiring that rules or orders be obeyed and punishing bad behavior. I somewhat agree with that definition. As a prior soldier I most definitely respect rules and order. I know that my life and the lives of others I served with relied heavily on discipline. I think that when most men think of the word discipline a few images come to their minds. Some men think of R. Lee Ermey the Drill Instructor in Full Metal Jacket. Some men think of Vince Lombardi the Super Bowl winning coach. I often think of these tough in your face men with larger than life personalities. I also think of other men like Frederick Douglass, Thomas Edison, Clarence Thomas, Ronald Reagan, …show more content…

I must ensure that I follow the standards and guidelines set forth in my contract. I must also follow any state, district, or school policy. To ensure that I am within my well within these guidelines, I will inform my superiors of my methods of classroom management. I will also seek prior approval for any system of classroom management that is used in my classroom. With that being said, I hope this will establish a positive and legal management system. Our textbook Teaching with Love and Logic says, “Discipline is one of the major areas in which teachers are susceptible to litigation. Teachers today must be prepared for such factors” (Funk and Fay).I also find it important to accept any input from not only families of students but fellow teachers. I know that due to my lack of experience any constructive criticism or tips would be beneficial. With that being said, I want my superiors and families to know that I will always be doing my best to guide and mentor the

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