What Is The Perfectly Sane Case For Living In Space Essay

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Another major need for astronauts in space is simply to be able to move around and not have to worry about being sucked into space as well as to not have to wear that clunky space suit all the time. This led to the invention of airlocks and extremely well insulated compartments with safety measures to block off and war of any holes that could possibly be in the shell of the craft or lander of any kind. There are people out there who say that space is best left alone however there are many scientist that have proven the point that eventually we will need resources. It could easily be within 15 years but it could also be as late as 300 years down the line, It simply relies on the fact that we need to start conserving and in space they are all …show more content…

Many people alive today will fully say that space exploration is something best kicked to the curb. Jeffrey Kluger’s article “The perfectly Sane Case for Life in Space” shows some very extreme and pretty subtle ideas about space. Kluger goes into his article about living in space and shows that many astronauts have actually done it for over a year or a little under a year but he does say that after prolonged living in space the people that come back are usually fatigued or heavily plagued with sickness or sore muscles and bones. This is one of the major factors making people not want to take prolonged trips in space as well as it is holding back the use of space hotels and military installations in space. While in space these individuals are perfectly fine and in good health making most people that are for life in space think that if you go up there, then you stay up there as its a permanent choice otherwise you are possibly plagued with sickness and despair for the rest of your life if you come back down to earth. This discourages many people from even considering backing the program and the others just seem to push it off by saying “Oh, we will figure it out when we need to” meaning that they dint care unless the Earth is literally about to give up on

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