What Is The Holocaust Inhumane

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During World War II, Hitler instigated histories terrifying crime against the Jews. Hitler murdered and imprisoned more than six million Jews. “This tragedy was known as the Holocaust. The Holocaust began on January 30, 1933 and ended on May 8, 1945” (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum). Adolf Hitler felt threatened from the Jews, so he decided to create the Holocaust. The Holocaust represents the inhumane acts that were inflicted upon a selected race through the form of concentration camps under the pretense of protection during World War II.
During the Holocaust, the Jews would stay in concentration camps. Jews would be sent to concentration camps for punishment. “The Nazis created six extermination camps. The extermination camps had three gas vans, which led to only two Jews surviving those types of camps” (London Jewish Cultural 1) “Hitler wanted to create a new religion and to replace Jesus Christ as a …show more content…

Also, thousands of Jews tried to escape, but did not succeed. “Jews would escape the camps by leaping from trains. Many children would escape the camps with their family” (Lipman 1). “For survivors, the prospect of rebuilding their lives daunting. Many survivors feared to return to their former homes because of the hatred of Jews that persisted in parts of Europe and the trauma they had suffered” (U.S Holocaust Memorial Museum 1). Jews would be scared to return to their homes.
The Holocaust ended on April 30, 1945. Also on that day, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. “On May 8, 1945 the Nazis surrendered” (London Jewish Culture 1). The Holocaust ended when World War II ended. Today, many people are affected by the Holocaust. “The Holocaust is relevant today because there are still situations that occur around the world similar to the Holocaust” (Jonae 1). The Holocaust was a devastating, painful, and moving period of time. It changed people’s lives forever. Jews that were prisoners during the Holocaust will never be the

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