What Is The Difference Between Pipe Leaks And Pipe Corrosion

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Pipe leaks and pipe corrosion can cause low liquid or gas flow. Leaks in pipes may allow contaminants to enter water systems thereby reducing water quality and threatening the health of water users. Costs related to leakage can add up quickly. Not only do businesses pay water and sewer charges for a leak, but there can be considerable additional costs for repairing water damage or from production down time caused by larger leaks. Some leaks may continue for years without being noticed, finally culminating in a sudden major failure from the gradual undermining of a footing or foundation segment. In some cases, failures from a long-term leak can endanger lives.

The traditional method of pipe repair involves identifying defective pipes and replacing them with new ones. This method requires trenches to be dug to be able to carry out repairs, with this capable of causing major …show more content…

The biggest difference between composite repair and traditional methods of pipe repair is that composite repair removes the need for pipe replacement. This means that there is absolutely no need to dig up your property, unlike the traditional and more well-known methods of pipe repair requiring excavation. As a result, composite repair is a much cleaner and cost-effective method.

The composite repair ensures a lower total installed system cost and shorter installation time when compared to traditional welded systems. There is also lower flushing time and costs. The leak also requires less repair and maintenance but when they are maintained, they require shorter down-time. Leak repair prefabricated which can save as much as 70% of the costly offshore installation not to mention that it ensures the high quality of the piping system. Thus the installation time and costs, as well as the overall costs are significantly lower when compared to a welded piping system.

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