What Is The Difference Between Hamilton And Jefferson's Foreign Policy

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1. Washington’s foreign policy was to avoid any permanent alliances with other nations, keep neutrality, avoid war and uphold the territorial boundaries established. Washington sent Chief Justice, John Jay, to Britain in order to negotiate the differences between the nations. The result was Jay’s Treaty, Britain had to leave the posts in the Ohio Valley, and could let American vessels to trade in the British West Indies. However, there were some failures with his policy, which let Britain still capture American ships. His foreign policy was applied in Pinckney’s treaty with Spain. The successes were that Americans could navigate the Mississippi River. Also, for Westerners could have the right of deposit for three years in New Orleans for three years. …show more content…

Hamilton wanted to establish a financial plan that could encourage enterprises and would strengthen the government and benefit the economy. He fought on the issue of public debt and argued that the government had to pay interest on bonds and relieve state debts. From the musical, Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton argues that assuming all debts would help the economy by lifting the burden. He states, “If we assume the debts, the union gets a new line of credit, and a financial diuretic. How do you not get it? If we’re aggressive and competitive, the union gets a boost. You’d rather give it a sedative?”(Hamilton, Cabinet Battle #1). Then, Hamilton and Jefferson agreed on a bargain, in which southern states would support the state debts and in return, the capital would move the south. In addition, Congress approved Hamilton’s plan to raise revenues and income would come from tariffs. Overall, Hamilton was very successful because the tariffs would raise money and encourage manufacturing in America, which would strengthen the American

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