What Is The Difference Between Cats Or Dogs Essay

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The Big Debate: Cats v. Dogs There has been a huge conflict for ages on which companion is better, cats or dogs? It seems that people automatically go to their looks and size, but it actually comes down handling them. Other than their adorable faces and small sizes to compare to, we can look deeper and more into the practical matters of how to manage and deal with these bundles of joy. Dogs and cats, the most popular pets to own besides fresh-water fish, have both admirable qualities and setbacks of owning them.
To sum up caring for these loving pets, it comes down to three major topics: exercising them, keeping your home clean, and cleaning and grooming the animals. When it comes to exercising them and keeping them active, it seems cats …show more content…

Maybe said person is allergic to cats but still wants a pet, and then they choose a dog and find that dogs really aren't so bad. Or maybe that person doesn't want to be constantly cleaning their home, so they get a hairless cat as their pet; and in doing so they learn that having a pet that doesn't have hair helps with grooming the animal and cleaning their own home. Both animals have many great qualities and setbacks. To recap what all of this fuss is about, dogs are great for active people because they are willing to take walks and play all day. They come in all sorts of sizes and breeds so there is a variety of dogs for every dog-lover out there. A setback of these creatures are that they need to be bathed more often that cats do. Cats are warm, calm creatures that don't need to exercise if the owner lets them roam outside in the daytime. Cats can be inside cats, meaning they don't like being outside, and outside cats, meaning they hate being inside for too long and like exploring the outside world. They don't really come in different sizes but sure have a lot of breeds to choose from. All cats, except the hairless breeds, unfortunately shed which cleaning is necessary, especially if the cats likes running

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