What Is The Conflict Between Edom And Israel?

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Obadiah records the conclusion to the age-old struggle between Edom and Israel. The conflict arose in the book of Genesis with Esau and Jacob, the patriarchs of both nations. God informed Rebekah of the contention in which these two would constantly be (Gen. 25:22-23). Edom rose to the status of an organized kingdom, and when Israel attempted to pass through his land, she was refused (Gen. 36:31; Num. 20:14-21). Once Israel achieved a more prominent status than Edom, she subjugated him, though he later achieved independence once more during the reign of the weak king Jehoram (2 Sam. 8:14; 2 Chr. 21:8-10). The year is now B.C. 586. Jerusalem is in ruins, and all her former allies have left her. Amid this awful conflict, Edom, the distant brother

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