What Is The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Essay

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In this essay I will be discussing my personal opinion on ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’ By John Boyne. This novel is about two innocent kids named Bruno and Shmuel, who come to meet each other at a barbed wire fence separating them. The story is set during the holocaust and revealed through the eyes of Bruno who reluctantly moves to “Out-With” as Bruno calls it, due to his Father's new job given by Hitler. This novel presents a cruel, inhumane, controlling and fascist government “they are not people at all,” this quote proves how racist and harsh the Nazis, this is very similar to Cambodia's dictatorship led by Pol Pot who tortured many people and caused the death of about 25 percent of Cambodia's population. The novel implies that no matter what the race, religion or beliefs we should treat everyone as we would like to be treated and accept everyone no matter what their differences and that racial prejudice should not be tolerated. A memorable theme in …show more content…

This is mainly due to the fact that the events that took place were unfolded through the eyes of a child and so i could relate to what was happening better and understand Bruno choices fully rather than trying to work out what an adults might think. I also admired how powerful this book was as it showed that despite our differences we should never mistreat others. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas displays what happens when this is not put into action as Hitler and the Nazis abuse the rights of the Jewish and by taking them prisoner and executing them. They hurt the Jewish people for no good reason and they created many barriers for both the Jewish and german people. This made for a great book with a powerful meaning that had me hooked. It was full of lessons, interesting settings and likeable characters however it was a little bit slow towards the beginning but overall i would definitely recommend this book for other

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