What Is Reveren Proctor's Reaction To The Crucible

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“The Crucible” written by Arthur Miller, is a play about witchcraft, in a town called Salem. It is a true story of how the communities fear turned into a frightening scene. Even though not every detail is factual, it is similar to what happened back in 1692. It all started with a couple of girls play games and having fun. The play opens in Salem, were the minister’s daughter and several other girls, including Tituba, are dancing around a fire in the woods, with the slave Tituba. Reverend Parris, who is Betty’s father and Abigail’s uncle, found them and was ashamed. The story spread throughout the town of Salem quickly, starting the rumors of witchcraft. Abigail didn’t want to tell anyone what was actually going on that night and Parris agreed. He believed it would worsen his reputation in the town. …show more content…

He believed that one's reputation is everything and he wasn’t going to let this rumor of witchcraft ruin his. Although Parris believed he well liked throughout the community, people were getting annoyed with him. Reverend Parris was the town's minister, but many were not a fan of his preaching, all he talked about was hell. Parris realizing the town was turning on him, he sent for a man named Reverend Hale, to come into town and prove that there is no witchcraft there. Things didn’t go as planned when Hale did the opposite and confirmed that there was, indeed, witchcraft happening in the midst. Causing the town to look towards Parris with hate, the only thing he could do know is point the blame on other

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