What Is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis?

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A). Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis also known as (PGD) is used when IVF is performed to conceive a baby. This testing mechanism is used when a couple has a high risk of having a child with a genetic mutation whether they both carry a recessive gene or one of them carries a dominant gene mutation. Once the egg is removed from a woman’s ovaries and it is fertilized by the sperm outside of her body, a blastocyst is performed. As the book explains PGD consists of a biopsy being performed on blastocysts resulting from in vitro fertilization (Gross, p. 79). After blastocysts are inspected for the gene mutation, those who carry the genetic abnormality or can’t be determined are not implanted back into the uterus. The one’s free from the genetic mutation are the ones implanted in hopes of conceiving a baby. …show more content…

This prenatal diagnosis is interesting to me because I think it is very fascinating to be able to select healthy embryos if you are using IVF as a method to conceive. If I were using this method as an alternative to pregnancy, I would definitely perform this biopsy to increase my chances of having a healthy baby. This type of testing gives you some type of control on your pregnancy and the health of your baby and gives you emotional security as well as peace of mind to know that it will not carry a genetic abnormality. Rather normal pregnancy, you don’t have much participation in the selection of your child’s gene makeup and you run the risk of the child carrying the genetic

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