What Is Political Socialization?

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This presidential election has opened my eyes to things that I normally wouldn’t even think about. Let’s be honest politics is not a common discussion amongst college kids whose main goal is to figure out how to keep their C average and not fail a class. This presidential election has taken many minds away from their school work and made them focus on the candidates and their issues. There are four agents of political socialization that have shaped my views on what I would look for in a candidate to be president of the u.s., and as I break them down you get an understanding of which political party I lean towards and why. Friends, unbeknownst to many, shapes our opinions and behaviors on political issues since everyone shares common beliefs and with that new ideas can be brought up. My family is Jamaican on both sides so they share similar views on issues that affect the gay community. It is no secret that in Jamaica people are homophobic and kill gay or …show more content…

Growing up I was instilled with hate and stereotypical thoughts on people who identify with the LGBTQ community, but that slowly started to change once I met my friend Keelin. Meeting her helped me to understand that everything that I was taught as a child was a lie and changed my views on people like her. I realized that I do not want someone running for office who share the same views on the LGBTQ community that my family does. President Obama made historic legislative helping the LGBTQ community by giving them basic human rights like equal marriage and the rights to health care, and this is something that I look for in a presidential candidate. The media is a major agent of political socialization since it shapes our views and opinions of people by feeding us information on candidates. There are tools that I use to get

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