What Is Nubia's Culture Like?

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First of all, where is Nubia? Nubia is located near the Nile river, by modern day Egypt and modern day Sudan. Nubia is a fairly big civilization. Nubia doesn’t have the best farming conditions because of their dry landscape. Although they have a dry landscape, they also have the Nile river where the Nubians get their water from. Every once and awhile the river will flood, and when it does it provides rich soil for gardening. This is how Nubians are able to live where they do. What is Nubia’s culture like? Nubians spoke a couple of languages, but what they spoke depended where you were in Nubia. If you were closer to Egypt you would hear Nobiin or Kenuzi. If you were in a more southern part of Nubia you would hear Birked or Midob. Nubians

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