What Is Moliere As A Tragic Actor?

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Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, was a French playwright and actor who some say is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western Literature. Some of his best known plays are The Imaginary Invalid, Tartuffe, and The Misanthrope as well as many others. Moliere spent thirteen years as a traveling actor which helped him polish his comic abilities while he began writing refined French comedy. Moliere’s acting was believed to be both a disappointment and a blessing. He wanted to be a tragic actor, but that was not popular at the time and to be able to make it he’d have to change his ways. Moliere was pretty much born to be a comedic actor. Off stage he was completely different. He didn’t talk much and he definitely was not very cheery. “Moliere never tired of acting and he was always venturing out. He would even give the character he was playing at the time a certain cough and another, certain moods. He actually made a play out of rehearsals. Many say it was quite appropriate that he should die while playing the part of the sick man that he really was.”-(Moore. Britan...

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