The Tragic Hero In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Friar Lawrence is one of the most controversial figures in Romeo and Juliet who paved the way to hell with good intentions. Some argue that he is the centripetal force leading to the tragic resolution while he remains in repentance for his sins. However, others simply express their empathy for Friar Lawrence’s ending and magnified condemnation as a result of this good intention. By definition, tragic heroes are prestigious and free-spirited individuals who lead themselves to downfall from a lapse in their judgment. Friar Lawrence is portrayed as an archetypal tragic hero in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet as he acquires strong influence on others, arranges precarious plans, and witnesses his demise along with the tragic ending derived from …show more content…

In contrast to common characteristics of a cleric, conformist and conservative, Friar Lawrence advocates freedom over following rules in society and always try to solve issues using the most risky methods. This is illustrated when he plans out Juliet’s death, “then as the manner of manner of our country is, in thy best robes, uncover’d on the bier, thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault where all the Capulet lie.” (IV.ii.109-113). He indirectly plays an influence to the tragic ending even though his primal motive intends to unite the lovers and offer citizens a peaceful town. As opposed to playing their ordinary roles in society, Friar Lawrence devises plans and encourages Romeo and Juliet to pursue forbidden love under a risky circumstance in order to turn his notions into reality. Friar Lawrence’s dialogue informs Juliet of the plan illustrates his part in causing the tragedy, “Thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself, then it is likely thou wilt under a thing like death to chide away this shame,” (IV.i.72-74). From secretly marrying the them to sending Romeo to take Juliet’s virginity, he is informed about Romeo’s approaching banishment and the notorious reputation which will follow Juliet permanently. However,he continues to cover the mistake by creating the facade of Juliet’s death. This is illustrated in “All this is I know, and to the marriage he nurse is privy,” (V.iii.265-266). Friar Lawrence challenges conformism to pursue liberty, serves to liberate the forbidden love of two youngsters from opposing families but only earns a tragic fruition for his

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