What Is Grandma Tala's Identity

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“You must find happiness right where you are” and “The people you love will change you, the things you have learned will guide you. And nothing on earth can silence the quiet voice still inside you… Do you know who you are?” are great lyrics to the basis the contrasting of Grandma Tala and Chief Tui. Each has its’ own meaning to the identity of Moana. Taking opportunities as they come versus making new opportunities for her self. Chief Tui is a great influence on the leadership that Moana gets in her identiy. Grandma Tala has her own unique effect on Moana by allowing her to find what her own purpose is in life. Each provide their teachings in separate ways. Chief Tui is very strict in his teachings while Grandma Tala is very passive and secret. Each teaching is very apparent by the end when Moana seeks her true identity. The teachings from Grandma Tala and Chief Tui are very contrasting while in a way they are connected. Moana is able to gather characteristics from her father as well as her grandma which make her a very unique individual seen by the end of the movie. …show more content…

It is obvious that Grandma Tala has figured out what her purpose is in life through the way she encourages Moana along her course to her own identity. When she tells Moana to go into the cave to find out what she needs to know, it is obvious that Grandma Tala has done the same thing once in her life. The amount of encouraging statements that she gives to Moana makes it well apparent that she speaks from the experiences she has in her own life. Contrasting Moana’s father, it can be seen that Grandma Tala is not afraid of taking a chance on a new opportunity. If she was afraid like the father, then she would not be encouraging Moana to go out into the

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