What Is Daisy's Dream In The Great Gatsby

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“Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today”(James Dean). Dreams are what push us forward and keep us on the track of what we live. When you live like this, you can accomplish anything you want, and you can make new dreams once you accomplish that one and reach even farther into your soul for what you really want. I think Gatsby’s dream in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is to get the love of his life, who he has had a huge passion for since he saw her, and life happily ever after. Dreams can be basic like setting a goal, or complex which will take all of your effort and hard work to accomplish. Gatsby's dream is more of a complex dream because it includes two difficult parts. First to impress Daisy he has to go from rags to riches, starting from nothing with his farming parents, and …show more content…

Gatsby only wants what came first to mind when he got back from the war, and he didn’t think it could change. Daisy goes from loving him and what he is about, to loving his money and what he has. She starts to cry, “they’re such beautiful shirts,”(Fitzgerald 92) about some nice shirts that he was showing her as he was showing her around his house. Her crying is a sign that she realized that she missed out on something big, a chance to be with the love of her life, and have tons of money. Killing two birds with one stone. But on the other hand if Daisy stayed with Gatsby then he wouldn’t need to get all the money he has to get her attention, so there was no way for Daisy to get what she wants. Gatsby has it even worse because the Daisy that he loved is in the past and, “You can’t repeat the past.”(Fitzgerald 110). His love of his life, young Daisy, is gone forever, in the past out of reach on his mortal hands, and the present is not what he thinks it is. He can achieve the average american dream, but he can’t get his dream back, ever

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