What Is Cyber Bullying Essay

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An Introduction of the Topic Bullying is a problem that thousands of children suffer from year after year. According to U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, “bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose” (U.S Department of Health & Human Services. n.d, p. 1). Bullying is an issue that has been around for centuries. Although it has been an issue for centuries, it has not been till recently that it has become a huge problem. Bullying is an issue that people should be concerned about. It is an issue that people …show more content…

Cyber bullying is bullying that involves using an electronic device. A few examples of cyber bullying include “mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles” (U.S Department of Health & Human Services. n.d, p. 1). Today, bullying and cyber bullying are major issues that teachers, administrators, parents, and even a particular community deal with. What is our generation going to do about these two major issues? Historical Overview The will to survive and compete with other people has been around since the beginning of man. Survival and competition are major components to the start of bullying. People have the instinct to out-drive others in order to feel better about him or her to accomplish a goal. Especially in the United States, people have the belief that success and wealth are major components in order to survive in this society. This is where the idea is derived from because children grow up living in a world that teaches them to be the best that they can. Children that grow up in the United States …show more content…

Moreover, 81 per cent agreed/strongly agreed with the statement that cyber bullying is a worse problem than last year; 72 per cent would report it if they do it anonymously (Shariff, S. 2008, p. 83). Overall, bullying and cyber bullying have a huge impact on schools because teachers and school administrators have trouble catching student’s cyber bullying due to cell phones and laptops. Advancement in technology has caused bullying to become an advanced

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