What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
According to Presley Reed (2005), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common nerve disorder caused by the pressure of the median nerve that control the sensation and movement in the hand within the carpal tunnel. Usually Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects only one hand, but can affect both hands at the same time, patients will experience tangling, weakness and numbness in hand and wrist. The sufferers of CTS may drop things they holding easily and will often shake their hands to gain relief. CTS is worse at night and suffered will have to wake up and relief their hands by shaking it and thus interrupt sleep. Women are more likely to develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome especially the pregnant women.

Warning Signs
-Tingling, weakness, numbness and pain in hand and wrist
This is caused by inflammation in the …show more content…

A sufferer whose family has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome history can be inherited.

A pregnancy women overweight during pregnancy or her breast size increases during pregnancy, the tendons of the mother will stretch more on shoulders, ribs and arms which will contribute great pressure on the median nerve and thus result in CTS development.

In terms of anatomic factor, people who have a smaller carpal tunnel are more likely to have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as the dislocation of wrist that have smaller carpal tunnel space can create extra pressure on median nerves.

-Environmental factor
Environmental Obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse, and mental stress are more likely to increase the chance of getting CTS.

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