What Helped Build Sumerian Civilization

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Sumer was an ancient civilization in Mesopotamia that came into existence sometime during 4000 to 4500 B.C. They were one of the first civilizations ever. In case you didn’t know, civilizations are are an advanced form of culture. Most people who knew this wondered how the first civilization came to be. You might wonder what these advances towards civilizations were and why they are important. Sumerian civilization came from the agricultural advances made by Sumerians, which in turn led to the growth of cities, and the ability of people to work at specialized jobs.
Out of all the things that helped build Sumerian civilization, the agricultural advancements made by early Sumerians were the most important. Having surplus crops was one of the …show more content…

The second step to growth is the development of larger villages, cities, and settlements. Cities grew from agricultural advances made by Sumerians and helped develop Sumerian civilization. To further prove this, on page 90 of the Ancient Civilization textbook it states that, “Civilization is closely linked to life in cities. At first, cities became important because farmers need a place a store and trade their surplus grains. As cities grew, they began to offer other advantages. For example, the cities of Sumer had large temples where people prayed. Cities also offered many different types of work.” To explain, cities in civilization first came along because problems farmers had storing grain. It soon had other advantages and helped civilization develop. Cities had large populations, with complex institutions like schools and churches. These institutions also had people to work at them. They also had places where people could practice their religion and perform rituals. These were called places were called Ziggurats. It also served as a city hall. It was here where irrigation systems were controlled and grain was stored. Ziggurats are also controlled by priests, who are specialized

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