Urbanization In Urban Growth

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Today, we live in a world that is growing in population faster than ever before. In the rapid of change that has engulfed the developing countries by the beginning of the twenty first centuries, one of the most dramatic and fundamental trend is urbanization. No less striking is the tempo of change the four-fold increase in urban population in these countries in a period of thirty years from 50.4 crores in 1970 to 202 crores by 2000 A.D. The urban growth is several times faster in developing countries. In India urbanization has been as rapid and wide spread as in other developing countries. The effects of this urban explosion are dramatically manifested in teeming slums in the centre of the city and mushrooming shanty habitats at its periphery. In most of the cities one fourth to one half of the population lives in poverty and in intense deprivation of their basic needs. Shocking malnutrition is simultaneously a great contributor to and consequence of the urban poverty syndrome.

However, the Studies on urban development have shown that modern urban slums are an outgrowth of limited and distorted industrial and commercial development and that they punctuate almost every city in the world. Countries which have followed the path of development based on privately owned means of production have always ended up with vast area of stink, misery, squalor and degradation for the poor and bulk of middle class inhabitants of their cities. As there is industrial and commercial expansion in cities, people migrate from nearby and far off areas to such cities in search of jobs. Vast bulk of such migrants belongs to the weaker sections of the society having only their labor power to sell. Their contribution to the City’s economy and other servi...

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...oups in greater Hyderabad slums. The SHG’s have been playing a key role for the upliftment of women in various training programs of life skills. The concept of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) is a helpful instrument for the empowerment of women. SHG is an organization of poor, particularly of women that deliver micro-credit to undertake the entrepreneurial activity. The members agree to save small amounts regularly thereby pooling their savings into a common fund and their emergency needs are supported by the common fund on a mutual help basis. The group members use collective wisdom and peer pressure to ensure end-use of credit and timely payment. The objectives of the SHG program are to alleviate poverty, increase sustainability, reduce vulnerability, and improve capacity building and overall development of the women members leading to the holistic empowerment of women.

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