What Does Writing Mean To Me

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As long as I can remember reading hasn’t been my thing, in my four years of high school I've read no more than four books that I truly liked. I don’t remember being read to as a child but my mother says she read to me all the time. The only thing I really like about writing is persuasive essays, or maybe when I type, it is fun to try to type with my eyes closed. I feel like reading and writing are something I have avoided throughout my life. I am literate, I can read and write fine, literacy means to me "being able to read and write fluently".
Finding a book that I am really into is rare, walking around a library is just not in my nature. When I do find a book I finish it quick, Ill read any chance I get, but like I said before, its rare. My favorite book of all time Is actually High Heat By Carl Deuker. When I got to where he threw that pitch and killed the batter I couldn’t set it down. That was freshman year, I now don’t remember the end but I remember the feeling I had when I was reading it and I loved it. The Lightning Thief Series By Rick Riordan was another all time favorite, and even then I didn’t read the whole series and couldn’t tell you the order of the books. …show more content…

I rant on and on without staying on task and whenever I hand a teacher a paper there's red pen all over with easy mistakes. Ranting in my papers is kind of just me talking in my head and writing it down on paper. Its like I am talking to people through a paper and I just don’t know where all the periods and stuff go. My handwriting is also terrible, most people cant read my handwriting and when I write fast for notes and stuff its even worse. Writing for me isn't fun, unless its something that I really want to write about its just a waste of time to me but I will do it to the best of my

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