What Does The Poem The Raven Mean

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The poem, for me, has a meaning for each and every one. It all depends on the person and their perspective, what they relate the poem too, and the meaning provided for them. Since we all have a different way of thinking, the poem can mean or be anything to us. In this essay, I will give evidence about the poem, and get to a conclusion stating that this poem is imaginary. Again, this is the way I see this poem, I find this poem imaginary since Poe had been going through a lot, he had a tough life, he lost his wife, and it is believed that he also had psychological issues. When the poem begins, we can actually imagine someone tapping or knocking on the door. We feel that there is actually a raven outside. But, when the poem develops, we start to …show more content…

And as we all might know, it is impossible for birds to speak. The bird answers nevermore; nevermore means never again. I can't actually understand the meaning Poe tried to expose, but I suggest the bird's answers are the fact that what he is always looking for, specially an answer to his torments, he might "nevermore" get. It is a metaphor through his relationship with the …show more content…

Or him knowing that she was going to die, because she had tuberculosis. The poem was written two years before her death, so I believe he wrote this poem because he was already feeling he had lost her. She was constantly ill, and it might have been getting into his nerves. She was also very young, maybe her young and happy way of living and personality, made him feel better. He was writing in a future way, predicting how he would feel. Again, maybe because he was napping he had a lot of mixed emotions about what was happening in his life. As time went by, he also started to drink, which might also have had something to do with his

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