What Does The Color Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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F. Scott Fitzgerald had an interesting way of writing his novel, The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald used certain colors for many reasons throughout the book, one being to show the qualities of many characters. The colors are used to point out the obvious, and the not so obvious qualities of characters. For example, some colors associated with Jay Gatsby are pink and red being love or anger, green being wealth and hope, yellow being warning and corruption, and many other colors are also mentioned. Each color he used can be significant in the character's mood as well. Certain colors make readers see or feel a certain way and also set the mood of the scene. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is associated with colors such as red and pink, green, and yellow. Different colors can be associated with many different emotions or objects. Red can be associated with red, and pink can be associated with love. Jay Gatsby is …show more content…

The color green can have many meanings, two examples would be wealth and hope. Gatsby is obviously a very wealthy person, and Fitzgerald still ties in the color green to show that. Gatsby is trying to win Daisy over with his money. Daisy left him in the first place because he did not have any money, and now Gatsby feels as if this is the only aspect that matters. He shows her everything in her house to show her how successful he became, hoping that it would win her back (Fitzgerald 90). Certain expensive items that Gatsby owns are described as green, such as the seats of his car (Fitzgerald 120). Wealth is something that is very important to Gatsby because it seems to be the only thing he really has. Gatsby is more hopeful than anything that he can get Daisy to love him. There is even a green light at the end of Daisy’s dock, which Gatsby can see from his house (Fitzgerald 21). He looks at this light every so often hoping that she will love

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