What Does Justice Mean To You

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What Does Justice Mean to You? When I reflect on what the word “justice” means, I think of a person receiving the appropriate punishment that matches the crime committed. However, that is not as easy as it may seem. There are so many factors to take into consideration now such as the offender’s age and mental state. The nature of the crime also needs to be taken into consideration. To shed light on my viewpoint of justice, I will share a case I found to be disturbing in which I believe justice was not served. I will also share a second case in which I believe perfect justice was served. The case of two year old James Bulger in England quickly became the focus of the community, when they found his lifeless body on the railroad tracks. He had been beaten in the head and sexually assaulted and the assailants were two boys at the age of only ten. James Bulger suffered 42 injuries. ("The James Bulger Case.”) Robert Thompson and James Venables were questioned separately after someone recognized them on camera. They were both given an eight year sentence. Robert Thompson was released from custody at the age of 23. The staff at the Boston Moss Secure Care Centre reported Thompson never showed an ounce of remorse for the horrific murder. Thompson was granted a new identity and anonymity by the …show more content…

My opinion on the birth of right and wrong and morality in general is rooted in faith. For others, the definition of right and wrong may have originated in science or evolution. Some people believe that morality comes from culture and abide by what is accepted and not accepted. Some philosophers believe that morality comes from rationality. (Matteson and Metiever) Either way, since the United States Justice system was adopted from England, there are laws set in place which govern each person to abide by these laws. These are laws put in place to protect citizens so that everyone can live a happy and healthy

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