What Does It Means To Establish Others

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As Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Determine never to be idle. . . It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." Benefit what you are doing before you can accomplish and achieve something for yourself. It does not matter what you are going through, you can complete your mission. Basically, Thomas Jefferson is saying just do not think about yourself, think about your family, environment or society, but do not start something you can not finish. First of all, anybody family should be everyone first priority before even thinking about stepping into someone else's situation. Everyone in your family is probably relying on you, your parents, or any other siblings to whom you look up to. Despite on the struggles, arguments, or losses along the way. Someone is …show more content…

Architects makes up to fifty to seventy thousand dollars a year. We could build more shelters for animals, homeless people, and even injured people. If our society was better at recycling, helping, and saving, this world would be extraordinary. Yes, some people recycle and some do not; however, helping out to accomplish something would be an achievement like World War ll. For instances, women taking over men spots in factories, so men could have weapons and ammo for combat. Although, war's was occurring, the Great Depression happened and Franklin D. Roosevelt, you may know him as FDR; made the Social Security Act Franklin was striving to help the United States and he achieved it. However, does inactivity also serve a purpose. No, and mainly it is because some people do not have any goals. Teachers always asks their students, "What do you want to be after high school?" For instance, a boy wants to be an professional football player, but he has anger issues and gives up. Mentors are only here to push and motivate you because they know your capable of doing it. Despite on how the boy retaliated, he is not serving a purpose to accomplish a

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