What Does It Mean To Say God Has A Mission

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God Has a mission. The bible is the story of God's mission. His mission is that everyone would know that there is a God in Israel. The universe will know that there is a God in Israel. They Will know that the Lord is there God, and that the Lord is one. Adam, Israel, Jesus, and the church all have a role in common, to proclaim the name of YHWH that every tongue, tribe, and nation might know that he sits on the throne. God used both Israel and their enemies on his stage to declare his great name. Jesus gives all glory to the Father though his perfect obedience. Israel is the chosen people of God. God chose his people that the would be a blessing to the nation. Why would they be a blessing to the nations? Because God revealed to his chosen …show more content…

Jesus is a part of the monotheistic, three person, God. Jesus does the will of the Father, and receives worship and praise on behalf of the Father because he and the Father are one. He tells his disciples that he and that Father are one. He tells his disciples that if they have seen him, then they have seen his Father. He tells his disciples that those who reject him, reject the Father also. Jesus shares in the Father's role as creator. He is the author and beneficiary of it. In all of creation God's name will be known. Therefore in all of creation the name of Jesus the Christ will be known. All of the animals of the earth belong to God, even animals that have been sacrificed to idols. God is the unique ruler of the universe. There are no other God's that rule beside him. Jesus is a part of that unique, exclusive rulership that belongs to God alone. All authority on heaven and earth has been given to Jesus so that all the nations might know his name. If Christ shares the unique role of Ruler with the Father, then it follows that he would also share the unique role of Judge with the Father. All of the enemies of God will be placed before the feet of Jesus. Everyone created in the image of God will know that Jesus is one with the Father. They will all worship him, whether voluntarily or not. God is the Savior. When God wills to save, he never fails. God has promised to save his people. God is the ultimate savior. He saved his people out of the …show more content…

Wright address the question of whether there are any other Gods. What are the missiological implications of idolatry? The other nations had their gods, and they worshipped them as though they were real. Is it idolatry for me to put the name of Ba'al in this paper? Some Old testament theologians would argue that Israel believed that the other nations merely worshiped images that were created by their own craftsmanship and that there was no actual deity behind the image. The Israelites were full aware of the spiritual beings that the other nations believed to be behind their idols. The Israelite knowing full well that they were dealing with the alleged deities of the other nations represent by their idols made their declaration of YHWH as the one true God over the whole Earth all the more potent. In the ancient world (Israel included), they believed that the Geo-political current events were a reflection of the gods battling in heaven. When nation takes nation, one God defeats another. YHWH however, does not belong to a country, or to a people, but rather, a people belong to him. YHWH will use his people so that all the world might know his name. Many gods have arisen and fallen, but YHWH is eternal. The gods that have challenged YHWH have been put to shame and mocked. This is th God of the

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