What Does Integrity Mean To Me

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Integrity is your quality of honesty no matter how good or bad the consequences are. Integrity is a good moral principle to have because it can lead you to be honored and respected by others. Integrity help you improve your work in school and in the real world. You can learn and experience more. If you are not honest people won’t trust you and you can lose good friends that would have been easy to keep if you were just honest. Integrity does so much more than people think and can get you far in life.

Integrity applies to me in school because it helps me learn more and experience. In school many people choose to cheat off the internet, other students, or other ways. People who cheat in anyway never really learn because they don’t do the actually work and then they will never be to do the work by themselves. Integrity also applies to us in school when you get in trouble or do something wrong. If you do something you’re not supposed to you should confess and tell the truth because you could cause everyone to get into trouble or your friend. Doing that can ruin …show more content…

One time had homework to do. But i decided not to do it and the teacher didn’t check it yet and I didn’t want bigger consequences if I tried to hide it from her. So I went up to my teacher and told her I didn’t do the assignment and she let me finish it that night; that is an example of integrity from my school life. An example of dishonesty that I have done is when I didn’t get to finish my homework one night and I decided to ask a friend to copy theirs, so I copied it. I got away with it, but it wasn’t the right thing to do and I should of told the truth. Since I did that I never learned how to do the homework on my own. Everyone has done something wrong like that at least once in their life and I hope we all learn from our

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