What Does Globalization Mean To Me

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Globalization, this term is ever so diverse with the elucidations. As one may believe, globalization is one thing and another individual believes that globalization means something unalike. The world that we live amid requires specialization within certain sectors that offer consumers products and or services. Certain regions /countries are endowed with many resources that many others do not have the ability to produce or attain. This may be items such as certain grains, or ores that the country can export to other countries that lack these. Therefore, they then capitalize on these abilities to trade their products or services with others. In addition to these trades occurring, the countries must follow certain procedures developed by the …show more content…

Without globalization, me may not have the products and services available to us to use. Especially mobile devices, that I am sure many if not all of us use every second of every day. These products and services generate an abundant amount of businesses due to the requirements of certain products and services. In all honesty, aforementioned, example being mobile devices. These mobile devices use parts from many different regions of the world in order to produce these products. These products then circumnavigate the world on a daily basis.

Another aspect that I would like to address of what globalization specifically means to me. Globalization enables people to gain access to a rather broad spectrum of many products and services. The other factor that globalization helps with is the decrease in many subsidies and tariffs. Another portion that is extremely beneficial due to globalization is the availability for businesses to access a larger amount of markets to further develop their businesses.
The only downfall that I see related to globalization is the ability of many regions in the world have a rather lower standard of living. With that being said the cost of living is considerably lower, thus requiring a lower rate of pay. Many nations such as China, have the ability to further jeopardize the manufacturing abilities of wealthier countries due to the lower wages necessary to

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