What Does Francis Scott Key's Motto Mean

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“The Star-Spangled Banner” by Francis Scott Key was written on September 16, 1814 after the bombardment of Fort McHenry. This occurred during the War of 1812, when Britain attacked the United States because British military and navy could now focus on re-conquering America. During the war on September 1814, British troops had invaded Washington D.C. and set the Capitol on fire. One of Key’s friends was taken prisoner so Key, alongside with John S. Skinner, was commissioned to help release his friend from the British navy. Although the request for the freedom of his friend was granted, the British were preparing to attack Baltimore, so they did not let Key and Skinner go. After the invasion of Baltimore, the British bombarded Fort McHenry on …show more content…

In the poem, Key states “And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.’” This indicates that the Americans praise God’s power in giving them the strength and courage to fight this battle and come out victorious in the end. God’s influence was clearly more powerful than the power of the government over the people because God gave the people the bravery and character to succeed in this battle. As a result, the people would be influenced to adopt Key’s motto as one significant American motto because it would indicate that Americans have faith in both their own power and faith in the greater power of God. Thus, the people would express their gratitude to God for empowering them as a nation to be able to defeat the British and accumulate their freedom once again. For that reason, Key’s motto would become powerful throughout the nation for years to …show more content…

According to Key, “our flag was still there” surviving through the bombing over the ramparts. As a result, the American flag would bring about a fresh wave of patriotism by becoming the actual symbol of the nation and eliciting universal feelings of patriotism, courage, and resilience within the American people. By giving the flag the main role in this victorious war, Key’s song would establish a new prominence for the flag as an expression of national identity, unity, and pride. Thus, the poem would induce feelings of pride among the American people because the survival of the flag indicated that they were able to secure their freedom through their victory at Fort McHenry. For a moment, America’s future had seemed uncertain because it was hard to see if the American flag was still there, but when it was still there, the people felt relieved because it meant that America was still the land of the free. Therefore, the emblem that is the American flag became a symbol that the people could connect with because it became a representation of their values and ideals as to what it means to be

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