What Does Faith Mean To Me

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Faith to me is a strong, true belief I feel whenever I pray or participate in religious activities. It is something I feel and can express whenever I’m alone and have quiet/peacetime with God. To me, it is a strong belief that is waiting for me. Faith is important to me as it is something I would love to grow and express even more than I do now. Faith is important because I know there is a divine being who cares for us even though he isn’t required to.

Right now I would say my faith feels like it is at an average level. It, “Feels like a mother’s embrace just waiting for you “(Mendoza). This quote is related to how I feel about my religion and faith right now by expressing my feelings on the subject which is feeling like faith is waiting for me. I feel that way because religion to me feels as if it is a door waiting to be opened by someone and take in the full glory of it and the only thing stopping me from reaching it is myself. Faith feels this way to me as it has always been something in my reach but I haven’t properly learned to open up to faith yet. …show more content…

I want to be more aware of god and speak/pray to him and the saints more. “I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.” (Niebuhr). I feel like this prayer is a good goal due to the fact that, This quote shows someone feeling super happy about being with god and happy of them dying and eventually ending up in heaven. I would like to reach this goal as being in contact with god more, as it is not just a good thing but something that can help you shape who you are in life and your purpose in

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