What Does Donatello Represent Mary Magdalene

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The piece that I have chosen is Donatello’s Mary Magdalene, a painted wooden sculpture created in 1455. From first glance, it does not even appear to be Mary Magdalene being depicted in this piece. In most cases, the former prostitute is depicted as she was when she was younger: beautiful, passionate, and fashionable. It is a point of interest to understand why Donatello chose to instead portray Mary Magdalene as the hermit she turns into in her old age. It is believed that this Mary is a way to represent repentance, taking God into your life, and denouncing worldly desires. One of the most notable aspects of this piece is the size and what was used to create it. The statue is six feet two inches in height, and made from painted wood. In reference to height, it is possible that Donatello made Mary Magdalene so large because he wanted to make sure she would be seen, that no one would be …show more content…

Texture is extremely evident through the way Donatello created her dress and facial structure. The dress is purposefully given a tattered look, as though it has been torn over an over without replacement. Donatello did this to represent Mary’s life as sinner, to show because of her past actions she cannot live a happy fulfilled life. There are grooves, pieces of wood carved to stick out in order to emulate the way a dress looks like once ripped apart. In addition to that, her dress reflects that maybe she has given up the finer pleasures in life to try and repent. There is also texture on Mary’s face, such as raised lines to represent wrinkles and veins. This was done to show Mary’s age, that she is no longer the beautiful woman she was in her youth. By ageing her using texture, Donatello emphasizes how Mary has grown old due to lack of repentance and is not paying the price. The lines on her face also help create the pleading, tortured expressions she has while looking at the

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