What Does Cassius Use To Persuade Brutus?

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Act I, Scene 1
1. What is the setting?
2. For what celebration are the people preparing?
3. Name the men who argue with people.
4. Why do these men scold the people?
5. What does this tell you about the loyalties of the people?
Act I, Scene 2
6. What favor does Caesar ask Antonius?
7. What is “Calpurnia’s curse”?
8. What dramatic device does the Soothsayer represent?
9. Brutus seems troubled when he is first presented to us. Why is he disturbed?
10. What does Cassius try to convince Brutus to do?
11. Describe the evidence Cassius uses to persuade Brutus to join his cause.
12. Why does the crowd cheer three times inside the Forum?
13. Casca’s rude remarks about the common people could also be Shakespeare’s attempt to criticize what group of people?
Act I, Scene 3
14. What is the setting?
15. What news of Caesar does Casca give to Cassius?
16. How does Cassius react? (Use a Quote.)
17. What plan does Cassius have to help persuade Brutus?

Act II, Scene 1
1. What is the setting?
2. Brutus soliloquy:
a. Describe why Brutus decides Caesar must die.
b. To what does Brutus compare Caesar in this speech?
3. Explain where the letters came from and what they say.
4. How are the conspirators dressed?
5. Why does Cassius also want to kill Antony?
6. What reason does Brutus give not to kill Antony?
7. How does Brutus describe Antony?
8. What part will Decius play in the plot against Caesar?
9. As the conspirators are about to leave, Brutus gives them some advice about hiding their intentions? What is it?
10. Why is Portia upset with Brutus?
11. What is the purpose of the conversation between Brutus and Caius Ligarius?
Act II, Scene 2
12. What is the setting?
13. Why is Calpurnia upset?
14. What news do the augurers bring Caesar?
15. Why does ...

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... third mistake that Brutus makes.)
14. List the three mistakes of judgment that Brutus makes after joining the conspiracy.
15. What strange event occurs as Brutus is about to retire for the night?

Act V, Scene 1
1. What is the setting?
2. Describe the verbal exchange between Antony/Octavius and Brutus/Cassius before the battle.
3. Why is Cassius worried?
4. How does Brutus feel about suicide?
Act V, Scene 2
5. What are Brutus’ orders?
Act V, Scene 3
6. What is happening to Cassius’ army?
7. What news does Pindarus bring?
8. How does Cassius commit suicide?
9. What error in judgment has Cassius made in committing suicide?
10. What character flaw is illustrated in this final act by Cassuis?

Act V, Scene 4
11. Who attempts to impersonate Brutus?
12. Why does Antony spare his life?
Act V, Scene 5
13. What does Brutus whisper to Clitus?
14. Describe how Brutus dies.

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