What Controls Our Life More Than The Government?

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This I Believe
What controls our life more than the government? Is so powerful we cannot go a single day without worshiping. I believe there is no greater evil than technology, technology has the power to control our daily lifes. We as a society are conceive by the new high tech, that we cannot function any other way. What has technology taught us, that we cannot live without being tempted?
Technology has been here for some time, we just have upgraded and maintained up to date. Technology is vigorous now, than ever before it is a global epidemic. Do not get me wrong technology has positive factors such as helping us stay connected with our loved ones, expanding our knowledge and fighting diseases. The new generation only know how to function with technology and nothing else. I remember when I was a child, I would enjoy playing outside. Now kids are starting very young using phones and tablets. We have an epidemic of minors using social media for all the wrong reasons. I believe technology has taken over and is here to stay. Industries are creating bigger and better ways to use technology and we as consumers are paying to get the products. We are never satisficed we want bigger and better computers, …show more content…

They use what they found on earth to create shelters for their families. They ate wild animals and watched the sun and stars for directions or time. They did this without any technology, to find their way from place to place. As we started developing technology we became lazy and found ways to avoid nature. We depend on technology to find our way from place to place and to entertain ourselves. I believe that technology is an epidemic and in the future we are going to be left in the dark. When the technology catches up to our needy needs, we are not going to know what to do. We cannot expect to survive as well like our ancestors because we have not life without technology and cannot do it

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