What Causes Odysseus

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What causes Odysseus’ men to open the bag of winds Aeolus has given Odysseus, and what is the consequence?
Odysseus’ men are loyal men to Odysseus. But throughout the epic the characters are faced with curiosity and disobedience. This curiosity may not be apparent in the beginning of the epic but once the men feel their odyssey to Ithica comes to an end they lose sight of their ultimate goal, to return home. When the crew gains sight of their homeland the soon drop their guard and become curious of the bag Odysseus received from Aeolus. The men become envious of the gift and devise a plan to open the bag to reveal the treasures but rather release the three winds.
The bag, once opened, releases the winds, creating a horrendous storm. This storm initially sends the men backwards to Aeolus’ palace.
What is Odysseus doing while his men commit this foolish act, and what is the significance? …show more content…

Throughout the epic sleep is seen as a negative and positive situation, and in this instance Odysseus has let his guard down and has fallen asleep, allowing chaos to brew amongst his men.
What does Circe (Known as the Witch goddess) do to Odysseus’ men (save one-which one?)?
Odysseus’ men enter the goddess’ house with a lack of concern, but Eurylochus stays hidden outside of the cottage. Once Circe has invited the men in she feeds them a bountiful meal along with a drink concoction, causing the men to leave their worries behind. Once the concoction has affected the men she transforms the men into swine and pins each man up outside. Eurylochus flees the goddess house and makes his way back to Odysseus and the remainder of the crew to inform them of the disastrous event.
How does Odysseus save his

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