What Are The Similarities Between Blade Runner And Metropolis

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After watching both “Blade runner” and “Metropolis” side to side it’s hard to ignore the fact that Ridley Scott’s timeless classic “Blade runner” was heavily influenced by 1927’s “Metropolis”. Even though booth films were shot almost fifty years apart they are renowned for their striking visual imagery of their times. Both movies show how society is separated in two groups, humans and replicants in “Blade runner”, privileged and working class in “Metropolis”. Similarly, uprising is the main theme that unites booth movies; “robots” against humans and a love story between the protagonist and a female character from the other side of the social class.

“Blade runner” shot in 1982 shows a high-tech world that offers not only interstellar travel, …show more content…

Metropolis is the city, which is ruled by tycoon, whose son falls in love with girl a spiritual leader of the lower class. The son of the tycoon descends to the “bottom” and swaps places with one of the workers. He sees injustice of the elite over lower class and begins to fight evil. A brilliant mad scientist has learned how to construct artificial human, and at the request of the tycoon gives it appearance of the girl his son is in love with. The evil robot inflames the rebellion against the higher class and the machines, not realizing that it’s going to send Metropolis into …show more content…

Dystopian society is known for its futuristic setting that declines due to the domination of the technology. It is clearly seen in In Metropolis 1927, where people are forced to work nonstop in order to satisfy the machine, however in “Blade runner” we see people live more pleasant and entertaining life despite the automated depiction of the authority. Never ending threat of being “eaten” by the “Moloch” creates a sense of enviable end. “Mediator” who is trying to connect the “head with the hand” represents the “light at the end of the tunnel” in “Metropolis”. However society in “Blade runner” in my opinion is more lifelike because individual can be “somewhat” free. Nevertheless, bright future in “Blade runner” represented by a colony where individual can start from

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