What Are The Pros And Cons Of Super Tuesday

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SUPER TUESDAY PREDICTIONS As Super Tuesday fast approaches, record numbers of early voters in several states have many candidates and their campaigns excited about their chances of winning. Republicans have held their last debate and are busy on the campaign trail to try and garner any support that might still be unpledged. The Democrats have just finished their primary in South Carolina and are pouring over the data to see what it might suggest for the major contests that loom overhead. All the while, millions of dollars have been spent on television ads in states such as Texas, Virginia, and Georgia to try and sway voters before the polls and caucus sites open for voters on Super Tuesday. These are just a few of the countless tasks that have to be done in order to come out with a victory on Super Tuesday. The only question that remains is, who will win? To find out, let’s begin with the Democrats. DEMOCRAT OVERALL PREDICTION Bernie Sanders poor showing in South Carolina is just the latest momentum killer of his campaign in the last several weeks. After a good showing in the Iowa caucuses and a victory in New Hampshire, which neighbors his home state of Vermont, Sanders has done nothing to impress since then. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has seen a rise in the polls thanks to garnering …show more content…

While Donald Trump is expected to win my most accounts, it’s not as certain as some of the other states for him. Though he has been polling quite well in Georgia, the state does have a large sect of Southern Baptists. Has Trump done enough to perform well among evangelical voters? If South Carolina is any indication, yes. Trump performed extremely well there among all demographics and should do the same in Georgia. Marco Rubio should win second place, with Ted Cruz coming in third. These positions will reflect what most states see on Super Tuesday, with some obvious

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