What Are The Five People Surrounding You In Your Life

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Who are the five people surrounding you in your life? Who are the five people who surround you in your life? Who are the five people in your life? The other day talking to a friend she brought up a subject I found quite interesting. Her adult son who always maintained good behavior started getting into trouble and she did not know what to do. It was causing her to be upset and she was really worried about him. I had just read something about how the five people who you spend the most time with have the biggest impact on the decisions you make. The book focused on an individual and the way in which a positive thought versus negative thought determines its effect on people around you. Remembering this I told her to start to look at his friends. Since she sat down with her son, and he revealed that his friends were making poor choices and so was he. He knew he needed to find new friends. Surrounding himself with troublemakers he felt …show more content…

Who do you spend the most time with? I see my twin sister often and she is pretty much like me. I have a few good friend who lift me up when I need it and I have a good Mom. I work with a great community of people on a regular basis. These are pretty much the five people that surround me. Having positive people surround me helps me as well as them. Positive people surround you with great help and can have a huge effect on your decisions. So a decision made by you can also be influenced by your closest friends with positive results. If you are around successful, positive individuals, you will become a person who will want to go for a future that is bright. On the other hand, if you hang out with pessimists who believe the world is out to get them even if you are a positive person you will eventually get caught in the negativity of life and become

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