What Are The Factors That Influence Albert Speer's Personality

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Albert Speer was born on the 19th of March, 1905, in Manheim, Germany into a wealth family. Although Speer was quite the mathematician, his parents pushed him to embrace architecture. He graduated from the Institute of Technology in Berlin in 1927 and began his career working as Heinrich Tessenow’s part time assistant lecturer. Whilst Tessenow never agreed with Nazism, many of his students did. Some of the students invited Speer to a Nazi Rally projected towards students at which Hitler was speaking. This sparked his interest with the party and from this there were many events that complimented each other in assisting Speer’s growth and development alongside the Nazi Party. The main purpose of this essay is to describe three significant factors that results in the prominence of Albert Speer as a historical personality. These factors include his early work for the Nazi’s, his architectural successes within the Reich and the deaths of fellow Nazi men Paul Troost and Fritz Todt which eventually was the final factor that led to Speer becoming Minister for Armaments and Munition.

One of the earlier factors that initially contribute to Albert Speer’s rise to prominence was when Speer received his first position within the Nazi party, …show more content…

The way in which Speer was able to “exploit Hitler’s love for architecture” in order to obtain such a high position in Hitler’s inner circle is a portion of history that clearly favours winners. In a primary source by Nazi historian Condon (2009) Condon states that as an architect in the Nazi Party, Speer started off with relatively small projects. His first job was to modify the party headquarters and that this “launched a unique career.” This is supported by the historian Schmidt who also believes that within only a few years Speer became Hitler’s favourite architect (Schmidt, 1985,

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