What Are The Benefits Of Wrestling Persuasive Essay

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This memo is to address the current conversation regarding the possible termination of the sport of wrestling in the upcoming Olympic Games. By examining the significant history of wrestling in the Olympics we can comprehend why so many people are passionate about the sport. Wrestling, being a non-revenue sport, does not have the same financial benefits as professional sports. Regardless, the sport still has a substantial fan base and should be continued.
The History of Wrestling in the Olympic Games
When the Olympic Games first began in 776 B.C. in Athens, Greece, wrestling was the premiere event. It was considered the ultimate test of discipline and strength, in which the world would discover who the greatest warrior is. Wrestling exemplifies the motto of the Olympic Games: Citius, Altius, Fortius. Which means faster, higher, stronger.
Why Wrestling is Being Considered to Drop
In recent years, wrestling has become less popular in the United States. Seeing …show more content…

Other sports, such as basketball, soccer, and golf, rarely even send the greatest athletes from each country because they would much rather win the NBA finals, the World Cup, or the PGA Tour thanks to the enormous paydays that the athletes can receive from winning such tournaments. The Olympics, however, pays only a fraction of that to their medaling athletes, but wrestlers are not in it for the money. As long as wrestling is involved, an Olympic medal will continue to be the aspirations of wrestlers around the world.
Wrestling Creates Opportunities
I started wrestling when I was eight years old and since then it has taken me all over the world. I had the opportunity to compete in Beijing, China. I learned that the Chinese team was only able to continue their education for a brighter future thanks to the sport of wrestling. Thanks to my involvement in wrestling, I was able to attend and graduate from Penn State University.

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