Beowulf's Motivations: A Study of Heroism

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What are Beowulf’s motives?

In the epic poem Beowulf, it tells us a story of a man that. Fights three monsters, dies fighting in battle then asks to have the wealth shared, and wants to be remembered by a lighthouse. The reader gets to read a legendary poem that many sang about within mead halls. I can’t picture anyone who wouldn’t want a piece of this story. Without further ado, let us go forth thy young reader’s an witness a poem of epic triumph.
Three monsters, one man to slay them all! Beowulf’s first battle was with Grendel, who attacked a mead hall and ate most of the warriors within the walls. Later loses an arm by Beowulf, which he rips off with his mighty hands. Motives in the time of fighting Grendel, was his duty to his people

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