What Are Anne Frank's Emotions

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The following quotes trailing this is from a 13 year young girl who died, in spite of the Holocaust her name was Anne Frank. From these quotes you can infer what Anne’s emotions were comparable, how she felt approaching other people, and how she thought. All of these questions can be answered when reading these citations. Additionally, in this essay you will notice this quote is the main one being, “I keep my ideals, in spite of everything I still believe that people are great at heart.” That famous quote is extremely popular moreover, you can speculate from this that she envisions positively of other people, as revealed by her emotions. In addition, she had an optimist appeal to the majority of her quotes, no matter what it's about.

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How Anne felt towards other people was often affected on by how they treated her, for example in the previous paragraph, we described her emotions with the quote “I do not care what you say. Why do you just not wash your hand off Anne I'm a hopeless case.” This can also describe how she felt towards other people. Such as her mother before that she said “More than once after a series of absurd reproaches, I’ve snapped at mother,” which foreshadowed that this could have occurred more than once. From this quote we can tell that she gets annoyed at her mother since she doesn’t understand how it is for Anne. In the book she says it's not easy for her being told pack up as much as you can we're leaving for a long time. The progression these citations show us about how Anne felt before the Annex living an essential life to living in the bundled Annex with almost no food to eat is atrocious. Also the fact that they could be kidnapped at any time and be murdered is dreadful and it frightened her greatly I know this, because in the play she had a nightmare about the Germans discovering them and dragging them away. Overall take a rather descriptive and in depth look at the quote, then you will find out how misunderstood Anne really

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