Western European Feudal System

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In a time of need the Feudal system was there to help western Europeans sustain themselves. Feudalism was a political system that supported the people that lived in its domain. The manor however was the economic system that helped the feudalism thrive. The manor had many workers that produced objects but one of the most important was the baker which helped the economic growth and health of the people Feudalism is an effective way to provide resources, protection, and self sufficiency to the population, as well as bakers which helped and supported the feudal system.
Feudalism is the main form of government in medieval Europe. This system is the structure and the organization of medieval Europe, at the time this is developed by fees and relations. …show more content…

These protection usual started with kings then to lords who are expected to protect vassals, and vassals are expected to serve the lord's (C. Smith 2). The need for such system was derived from military, this was due to barbarians culture and central Asia as well as the Muslims affecting Western Europe. At the time the Europeans lacked coinage and a money economy, meaning trying to raise a permanent military force could not be done. However this could be done with Feudalism which had a local exchange (Lenehan 1). Feudalism is a political and military institution, beamed on contracts between a lord and a vassal, both whom held land (fiefs)(C. Smith 2). Military might was the primary basis of power. This was the dominating course of Europe in nature. (C. Smith 1). A single fighter is then supported by enough farmers with enough production and surplus. For his service the knight was given a “fee” or later known as a fief, a piece of land and kept supplied with food and other products (Nardo 27). In order to be obligated to the military the knight would have to commit to relations, known as the Oath of Homage and the Oath of fealty, between two individuals known as lords or knights. Again feudalism is the main reason why they have …show more content…

This class was made up of knights, barons, lords, and earls, they have and gain a lot from/for the manor(Pizzuto 1). The nobility were very important in the manor they usually gave any class lower than them protection. The nobles make up of different people but it was mostly filled with military officials. Below the king in the feudal of the pyramid is the ruling class or the aristocrats . This has the least amount of population and they’re responsible for protecting the other two classes, and defend the faith and society (Pizzuto 1).As nobles are usually soldiers they gave supply's or security. The serfs depended on the vassals, they depended on jobs and protection from foreign threats. The lord’s main duty was to fight for his King (overlord) , either if he was defensively or offensively (Cels 4). The lord gave wealth and support to the vassal for his military services. Sharing whatsoever treasure goods were taken in battle (C. Smith 3). The nobles income was mostly from labor but they also had military obligations. The feudal lords gained a lot wealth came from food, rents, fine, and fees they collected from the peasants. The most important form of the income was from the manor or the labor, the labor is about 3 days long (Munro). Boon works were extra labor due to harvest and other times (Munro). Lords also received regular payments of money and produce: there were irregular payments, for

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