West Chester Mortgage Fraud Case

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Mortgage Fraud

The state of Pennsylvania takes all allegations of fraud very seriously, and lenders or borrowers can face criminal charges if they lie about or omit certain information during the mortgage application process. In certain cases, alleged offenders may also face federal charges for this type of fraud.

The penalties can be quite severe if a person is convicted of this offense, with punishments including several years of imprisonment, substantial fines, and possibly even restitution to victims. Prosecutors will aggressively pursue maximum sentences in these cases.

West Chester Mortgage Fraud Lawyer

If you have been accused of any type of fraud relating to mortgage loans, you will want to make sure that you are working with an …show more content…

• Employment Fraud — A borrower misrepresents his or her income by either claiming employment by a non-existent company or a higher position in a real company.
• Equity Skimming — Also known as equity stripping, an investor offers to help a homeowner facing foreclosure by buying the home and leasing it to the homeowner, but the rates and terms of the agreement usually result in default and loss of property and all …show more content…

These schemes may involve credit agency employees, mortgage brokers, outside investors, real estate appraisers, real estate brokers, or title insurers working together to either inflate home prices or get loans for non-existent homes.
• Hiding Liabilities — A borrower lies about his or her car loans, credit card balances, or other mortgages in an attempt to improve his or her debt-to-income ratio.
• Income Fraud — A borrower overstate his or her income to qualify for a higher loan.
• Occupancy Fraud — A borrower claims on a loan application that he or she will occupy the property as his or her primary or second residence when it is actually an investment property that should have higher interest rates because of a higher risk for delinquency.
• Property Flipping — Whereas legal flipping involves a party purchasing, improving, and selling a home for profit, property flipping can be illegal when a home is purchased, appraised at a higher value, and sold for profit. This practice may involve a combination of other types of illegal mortgage activity, including appraisal fraud, income fraud, or fraud for profit.
• Straw Buyers — A borrower uses the name and credit history of another party in order to obtain a loan.

Chester County Mortgage Fraud

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