Welfare Program Benefits

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Ever since our first colonies came to be we have been supporting those in our society who are unable to work due to age or physical health. Even those who are more than able to work themselves are being helped by our government. Our colonies adopted these ideas from the British Poor Laws.
Welfare programs are regulated for those who live under the minimum accepted level set by the state. Welfare program benefits fall under a certain criteria which requires certain limits for eligibility to be meet before being considered for one of their programs. Welfare is used to provide benefits and economic assistance to no or low income Americans, it’s also defined as financial assistants helped supplied by the working class. One of the main goals of …show more content…

All these programs are different in many ways but all share a common goal. TANF is designed to bring income into a households where there is minimal or no income. The purpose of the TANF is to allow income into the homes so that children, elderly or other dependents so they will be properly cared for. The child support program provides families with state regulated child care assistance that will enable parents/caretakers the time available for working and job training opportunities. The child support program supplements partial child care fees or provide 100% fee assistance. Food stamps help household receive food for their home without having to use other sources of income on groceries. Food stamps is a program which allows those households with very limited means to be able to use those means on other necessities, it provides the nutritional needs for the …show more content…

This act made sweeping changes in the Unites States welfare system. As a result of the act, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), the federal program that had provided cash assistance to poor families since 1950. Among other things, TANF guarantees states $16.4 billion in block grants annually and sets limits on the length of time families can receive assistance. With few expectations, the new law also requires recipients to work after two years of assistance. A recipient’s failure to participate in job training programs or to meet work requirements can result in a reduction or termination of benefits for the recipient’s

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