Persuasive Essay On The Welfare System

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Welfare is the modern day Robin Hood, robbing the rich and middle working class to support the poor. Our current welfare system has reached a record level of over 109,000,000 means tested recipients. (U.S. Census) Means tested is a process in which the government analyzes your ability to take care of your family without their assistance through subsidized aid. Some of the more popular government aid programs include Women, Infants and Children (WIC), Medicaid, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). With all the different government aid programs available now, the lines between social classes become blurred. The morality of taking free money is questioned, despite knowing where it comes from, and how hard people have to …show more content…

Despite the working people’s ideology of making my own money, the government has a better idea where they take some of your hard earned cash, and gives it away to those that “NEED” it more. (Freeman) The whole idea of working hard for your family, to support and raise your kids, is completely undermined by the welfare system’s role in giving away money and resources to those who continue to do nothing to earn it. On the other hand, you may feel obligated to help someone in legitimate need; this of course would be charity. The welfare system is a forcible fulfillment of the duty of charity. We working people have no immediate say in the matter concerning this contribution to the system, except thru our …show more content…

(War on the Poor) This amounts to almost $22,000 for every poor person in America every year. This leads back to individual morality and how a deadbeat to society thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to take that money, then have the audacity to complain how it’s not enough. They have the nerve to argue that if somebody gave you $22,000 / year, wouldn’t you take it? Unfortunately they have a good point; however, they always avoid a key fact of being a contributing member to society and not a leach. This only fosters the principles of being dependent on government aid, and not advancing towards self-reliance and

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