Wechsler Intelligence Case Study

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The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV (WISC-IV) was administered to Jasmine to assess her cognitive ability. The Full Scale score IQ (FSIQ) is derived from a combination of ten subtest scores and is considered the most representative estimates of global intellectual functioning. Jasmine demonstrated significant variabilities in her performance, which may have affected the validity of her Full Scale IQ. Therefore, it is not reported at this time. Based on her performance on the Perceptual Reasoning subtests, her PRI score seems to be a better indicator of her cognitive ability. The Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) consists of three subtests: Similarities, Vocabulary and Comprehension. These subtests assessed Jasmine’s verbal reasoning, concept formation and previously acquired knowledge. They required that she access her skills with understanding verbal information, reasoning and expressing thoughts verbally. Jasmine’s overall performance in the Verbal Comprehension Scale (SS: 69; 2nd%ile; 95% confidence level 64-78) were well below the average range. Jasmine demonstrated difficulty expressing in words how two words are similar or alike. She struggled in demonstrating knowledge of the commonality between the following …show more content…

These subtests required Jasmine to examine and think about the information presented in blocks, geometric designs, and puzzles in order to solve nonverbal problems using hand-eye coordination, while working quickly with visual information. Jasmine’s demonstrated average to low average perceptual reasoning skills as evidenced by her standard score of 90 (25th%ile, 95% confidence level = 83-98). She displayed excellent skills in using puzzles to make a picture (Block Design) and to solve problems through looking at a matrix, whereas her performance on the Picture Concepts subtest was in the low average

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