Benefits Of Auditory Learning

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In the science fair, Ariana, Ashley, and Brianna are going to do an experiment on which style of learning do the most people use when learning. When you say it out loud (auditory) or seeing it (visual). Auditory learners learn best by hearing information. Visual learners learn best by seeing information.
Auditory learning is a learning style in which a person learns though listening. They depend on hearing and speaking as a main way of learning. Auditory learners must be able to hear what is being said in order to understand. They may have difficulty with instructions that are written. They also use their listening and repeating skills to sort through the information that is sent to them.
Visual learning is a teaching and learning style in which ideas; concepts, data and other information are associated with images and techniques. Visual learners can make “movies in their minds” of information they are reading. The movies consist of vivid details. Visual learners mostly pay attention to the body languages of all of the other people. They often learn by looking at the writing and the drawings.
Auditory learners make up about 20 percent of our population. Not that many people in the world are auditory learner. Auditory learner can remember some of the accurately details of information they hear during conversations or lectures. Auditory learners have strong language skills which often lead to strong oral communication skills. They carry on interesting conversations and can express their ideas clearly.
Visual learners make up about 65 percent of our population. Many people in the world are visual learners. Visual learners can remember information presented in pictures, charts, and diagrams or written information. They remember w...

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Auditory learners tend to tell jokes and stories out loud. They also often tend to talk to themselves while tackling a new and challenging task. Auditory learners are some times louder than other (since they like talking to them selves). They can be interested in politics or law. Since they are good at listening and talking these two careers are in a way perfect for them. These two careers allow them to talk freely and have a discussion with others.
Auditory and visual are two very different ways that people learn. Auditory learners learn best by listing and talking. Visual learners learn best by reading, seeing, and writing. Auditory learning is a learning style in which a person learns though listening. Visual learning is a teaching and learning style in which ideas; concepts, data and other information are associated with images and techniques.

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