We can prevent Global Warming

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We Can Prevent Global Warming
Global warming has been a hot topic for generations. Questions like, "Is it natural or man-made?", "What is causing it?", and "How can we reduce it?", have stumped scientists and engineers. Most people think that reducing global warming means having to buy expensive "green" contraptions or driving electric cars (which can be dangerous due to their small size, and can take hours to charge). Those would be great things to do to reduce our impact on global climate change, but unfortunately, in our current economic state, most people don't have that kind of money. Fortunately, there are effective and cost-efficient ways to reduce global warming and live a cleaner, greener and healthier life. There are many theories as to why global warming is happening. Some point more towards the theory that humans might be causing it, and others point more towards the theory that it is a natural cause, but one thing is for sure: The climate is changing and if we don't do something soon, the Earth may face harmful, and even deadly consequences.
Scientists have seen a rapid increase of average global temperature in the past century. They have concluded that the Earth has increased approximately 1 degree Celsius (about 3 degrees Fahrenheit) in the last one hundred years. According to the film “Six Degrees: Could it change the world?”, experts are predicting that the average global temperature could increase six times that amount by the end of the current century at our current rate of increase. That’s six degrees Celsius and almost twenty degrees Fahrenheit. In order to try and stop this from happening, something must be done.
The theory that global warming is man-made suggests that it is caused by emission...

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...sed into the atmosphere per mile, depending on the transportation source. Next time you go to the supermarket, look for goods that were made in the Michigan or the U.S. You can also find goods made as nearby as your city, to strengthen your local economy.
Even if there might be a natural cause to global warming, which could limit our control over the problem, what we can do is try to stop what we think we humans are doing to exacerbate the problem. Recycling, using less gasoline and electricity, printing less paper, buying locally and using energy-efficient appliances are all ways we can begin to reverse the current path we are on. As long as every individual learns how we are affecting our environment and what we need to do better, we can slow down the warming of earth on a global scale while still being able to support and improve life on our planet earth.

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