We Were Liars Analysis

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This book focuses on a group of friends Jonny, Mirren, and Gat, and Cadence who are in a relationship. They spend every summer on the Sinclair’s Beachwood Island in Massachusetts. E. Lockhart’s novel we were liars was very intriguing and entertaining and for these reasons deserves the nomination for the Rhode Island teen book award. A group of young friends that have spent multiple summers together on Beachwood Island have an accident that Cadence, the main character, does not remember. Two summers pass with all friends still hanging out when finally the memories of the accident come back to Cadence. She remembers that the accident claimed the lives of all her friends and that she has been imagining their existence. This plot twist is …show more content…

Another characteristic is after the accident Cadence becomes mentally ill and has symptoms of headaches vomiting and at times migraines, also the existence of her friends whom she has lost. Throughout the book her personality changes in the way that she is imaging her relationships and interactions with her friends and gat. Also she has grown into a teen as the book progresses so her attitude towards different situations has changes The theme in the book We Were Liars in my opinion is reality verses theory. As you are reading the book you come to think to yourself many questions like; Was the accident intentional? Is cadence addicted to her prescription drugs? Why is she seeing things that don’t make sense? All these questions that you ask yourself as you are reading this book is related to weather or not this is a true fact or a theory. This book makes you start to Believe in one theory and then there is twist in the plot to tell you that your thery was wrong and then you know that the plot twist is

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